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The Orthodox Church has a tradition of having a memorial service in memory of our deceased loves ones. During this service we commemorate the names of those passed and offer a plate of Kolyva (as shown). The Kolyva (boiled wheat) holds a significant symbolism which expresses our belief in everlasting life. Jesus Himself said that “…unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). Just as new life rises from the buried kernel of wheat, so too does the Church believe that the one buried will rise one day to a new life in God. The wheat is then covered in sugar and sultanas to symbolise the bliss of eternal life in Heaven.


The service of Artoklasia (5 Loaves) is offered by the faithful for health and well-being of those who are living. The Artoklasia can be ordered at any time and can be performed at any Divine Liturgy. It is typically offered on important feast days or individual name days of the faithful. The Artoklasia represents the story of Jesus feeding the Five Thousand with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish. This is also the only Biblical story which is found in all four Gospels. Performing the service the Artoklasia is a direct correlation to this where we ask that God bring a plentitude of blessings to us and furthermore, to nourish our soul and body through the eating of the bread which is offered.


A Prosforo is a loaf of leavened bread offered at the Divine Liturgy. ‘Prosoforo’is a Greek word which means ‘offering’, an offering which we make to God. Bread is also used to represent Jesus Who is the Bread of Life, of which whoever partakes, shall never hunger again. The bread is leavened (made with yeast) as a symbol of rising in the resurrection. It is recommended that you submit a list of names to the priest when offering the loaf. One column should be entitled “Living” and the other “Departed”. These names are then commemorated by the priest during the preparation of Holy Communion to ask for health, forgiveness and life everlasting.